Shuffle Off To Buffalo
Since this blog is mainly just a copycat of a bunch of other blog's ideas (come to think of it, the entire internet is like that too), Pun City decided to copy this and act as though this blog was a celebrity or something. If you were too lazy to click on the link, celebrities are interviewed and asked to comment on/explain what random songs come up on their iPod in front of the interviewer. Here goes:
Lindsay Lohan, "Disconnected"
From her first album, this blog picked up the CD (Speak) in a Sheboygan KMart while killing time waiting for its friends to arrive and host a party. It's a pretty solid song, Pun City is of the opinion that Ms. Lohan is an underrated singer. That might be a good way for her to salvage her career actually, just put out a bunch of albums and stop acting. The song isn't the best on the album (this blog prefers First), but very listenable.
Mesu Kasumai, "White Wedding (Psh Yeah Right)"
This blog was surfing the web and found a site that had a few Nintendo-inspired keyboard beats you could download for free. It didn't look like they had gotten permission from the original artists so all the titles have some offset comment like that, or rhyme with the actual title, like "Hang up the phone now" instead of "I think we're alone now". Pretty solid imitation of the original, this blog doesn't mind when these come up.
Fat Boy Slim, "Kalifornia"
Pun City bought this album after hearing a couple Fat Boy Slim songs and loving them. The whole CD (You've Come A Long Way, Baby) is really consistently good. This might actually be the worst song on the album but it's still a good exhibition of Mr. Slim's skills. It goes a little long, (almost 6:00), but if you're in the right mood it's alright. Not sure what the message of the song is, most likely some type of drug-related topic but Pun City mainly listens for the beats.
Jay-Z, "Justify My Thug"
Pun City went out and bought The Black Album primarily due to the fact that 3 radio songs were out already, plus Jay-Z had indicated he was going to retire right after it was released. The CD actually holds up though, he got a lot of good producers on it and he's a great writer, bringing a great style to the lyrics and flow. The coolest part of this song is when he says he's the "Michael Schumacher of the rap rocka" (or something to that end). That a rap artist would have even heard of Schumacher is pretty cool, and hearing that name in a rap is pretty awesome.
Rihanna, "Don't Stop The Music"
Pun City picked up this CD (Good Girl Gone Bad) only for the song "Umbrella," which this blog knew would become extremely annoying in a short period of time. Pun City loves those type of songs. Great stuff. But this song isn't too bad, some nice tracks in the background make it pretty uptempo, this blog really can't complain. As a side note, all of these songs that have come up are producing pretty mild reactions. Pun City thinks this section of the iTunes shuffle is either the "mundane" or "run-of-the-mill" grouping.
The Lupins, "Take"
Alright, now we're getting somewhere. Like a lot of people, this blog bought the Dumb and Dumber soundtrack just because it wanted to hear the "Boomshakalaka" song that was featured in the previews and actual movie. Problem was, you couldn't tell what its title was and you just got it since it was probably one of these unheard-of songs. Well, alas, that song was nowhere to be found on the actual Soundtrack CD. All was not lost though, Take, among other songs on the CD, is a pretty good listen, providing a lot of good quotes, such as "You can have my Foghat shirt." Pun City does enjoy listening to this song, but it's probably one of those "memory" songs, where what it's associated with increases the value of the song.
Avril Lavigne, "Sk8er Boi"
This one's just a classic, very mainstream, very overplayed, extremely listenable and catchy. That's right up this blog's alley. All you have to do is say "see ya later boy" and someone's going to have that stuck in their head for the next hour, hour and a half. Plus it also talks about someone screwing up. For whatever reason, Pun City likes songs that talk about messing up or longing or stuff like that. That's just how Pun City rolls, this blog guesses.
Ace Of Base, "Cruel Summer"
Talk about a brilliant song. Ace Of Base took this song and made it their own. Pun City loves remakes, and this one is a gem. It weeded out all the crap of the original and presented this magnificent effort. Putting horns in the background, a drum machine, possibly a keytar, you can't ask for more than that. Also a song about longing, just a beauty all around. Probably in the top 25 or at least top 100 songs this blog has heard.
And there you are. That was actually pretty cool, hopefully it turned out as good as Pun City thinks it did. This blog is guessing not everyone's going to share those opinions on these songs, but that's cool, it's a free country. Over and out.
Labels: iPod, Lindsay Lohan, Music, Random, Remakes, Shuffle